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27.01.2025 Statement by Denmark at the ICC Prosecutor's Briefing to the United Nations Security Council on the Situation in Darfur

Who H.E. Christina Markus Lassen, Permanent Representative of Denmark to the UN

Checked Against Delivery 


Thank you, Mr. President,


Prosecutor Khan, thank you for your report, your sober briefing and for your tireless efforts in pursuit of justice and accountability.

I also welcome the presence of the representative of Sudan.



Twenty years ago, the international community took a momentous step.

The Security Council referred the situation in Darfur to the International Criminal Court.

Denmark, who was also at the Security Council at the time, voted in favour of that resolution. We did so as a tangible expression of our support for justice and accountability. We did so in the hope that this measure would bring an end to impunity in Darfur.

It is therefore deeply distressing, that twenty years later, the worst of history seems to be repeating itself, as we just heard from the prosecutor.


Mr. President, allow me to focus on four key areas.

First, Denmark is gravely concerned by the alarming number of reported serious violations of international law, committed by all parties to the conflict in Sudan. This includes indiscriminate targeting of civilians, horrific sexual and gender-based violence and widespread crimes against children. Such crimes are utterly unconscionable.


Mr. President, my second point, 

Denmark welcomes the recent conclusion of the first trial at the ICC concerning the violence in Darfur.  This is a major milestone. Without the referral by the Council, this trial would not have taken place. The victims and survivors would not have seen justice.

We also welcome the Prosecutor’s announcement of imminent new applications for arrest warrants concerning the ongoing violence that started almost two years ago. Real progress on accountability cases is important to end impunity and deter new atrocities – and a precondition for lasting peace.


Third, Mr President,

Collaboration is essential to securing justice and ending the cycle of impunity in Sudan. We are encouraged by the Sudanese authorities' cooperation with the Court. This is a key step towards accountability. We call on the Sudanese authorities to further strengthen its cooperation with the Court. This is particularly vital with respect to the whereabouts of Mr. Al Bashir, Mr. Hussein and Mr. Harun, following the government’s obligations under resolution 1593 (2005). In this context, we recall that this Council also urged all other States to cooperate with the ICC on its work regarding Darfur.

We also greatly appreciate the continued and indispensable support offered by civil society and affected communities to the Court. We commend the Court's initiatives to deepen this engagement.


Fourth and finally, Mr President,

Denmark welcomes the important work of the Office of the Prosecutor including outreach to victims and survivors and affected communities. We also look forward to hearing about its upcoming cooperation with the Fact Finding Mission for Sudan which was established by the Human Rights Council. And based on the significant field deployments of the ICC we look forward to the swift issuance of further applications for arrest warrants on the situation in Darfur.



We must not relent in our pursuit of accountability. When it prevails, it sends a powerful message that impunity has no place in our world. It represents the bridge between the pain of the past, and the hope of the future. Denmark reaffirms our unwavering support for the International Criminal Court as an independent and impartial judicial institution and fully support the Court in carrying out its mandate of ensuring justice for all the victims of the most serious crimes under international law.

Denmark is committed to working for this future for the people of Sudan. You can count on our support.

Thank you.